
Becoming verified will give you access to more tasks in your language pair. For more information please visit this page.

By clicking “OK” below, a test will be created for you, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the test.

When you have completed the test, one of our Senior Translators will review it. When we have the results we will contact you by email. Please note, this can take 3-4 weeks.

If you do not want to take the test, please click “Cancel”.

Justyna Zhang

United States
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About Me

English to Polish translator with master's degree in English philology and over 8 years of experience. Looking to do something good with my passion, empower the people and bring long-lasting social change where it is needed.
Native in Polish (pl)

Language Pair(s)

English arrow Polish (TWB Verified Translator)

30805 1786 236 5087 1

English, US arrow Polish (TWB Verified Translator)

30805 1786 237 5087 1


  • Translation
  • Revision

Experienced in

  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Literary
  • Health
  • Food Security & Nutrition
  • Education
  • Environment & Climate Action

Justyna Zhang



Supported Organizations

  • CAFE football
  • COVID Babel Task Force
  • European Network on Statelessness
  • Royal College of Anaesthetists

Certificates and training courses