
Becoming verified will give you access to more tasks in your language pair. For more information please visit this page.

By clicking “OK” below, a test will be created for you, and you will receive an email with instructions on how to complete the test.

When you have completed the test, one of our Senior Translators will review it. When we have the results we will contact you by email. Please note, this can take 3-4 weeks.

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Nicole Hawkesford

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About Me

I graduated my MA in Translation in 2013 from the University of the West of England with Distinction, and prior to this obtained a 1st BSc Dual Hons in Forensic Science and French from Keele University. I am a Member (MCIL) of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and an Associate member (AITI) of the Institute of Translation & Interpreting.

From 2013 to 2020 I worked full-time in translation project management and leadership specialising in life sciences, including for two of the top five global LSPs. For this reason, I primarily specialise in all aspects of life sciences, pharma, medical devices & healthcare and have a lot of experience working with major clients in this sector. However, I have strong interest and personal experience in other fields as well, such as non-profit, tourism, sustainability, fashion & craft, so I am also interested in projects for these areas.
Native in English (en)

Language Pair(s)

French arrow English (TWB Verified Translator)

41515 1897 77 1786 236

Spanish arrow English (TWB Translator)

41515 5716 210 1786 236


  • Translation
  • Revision
  • Monolingual editing

Experienced in

  • Medical / Pharmaceutical
  • Science / Scientific
  • Health

Nicole Hawkesford



Supported Organizations

  • Action Contre La Faim
  • CARE International
  • COVID Babel Task Force
  • Internews - COVID-19
  • Partners In Health
  • Realizing Sexual and Reproductive Justice (RESURJ)
  • Sante Diabete
  • Translators without Borders

Certificates and training courses

  • Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL) - Member, Fellow, Chartered Linguist, or DipTrans IOL Certificate holder