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Vatin Petaneelanon
Language Pair(s)
English Thai (TWB Verified Translator)
Thai English (TWB Translator)
- Translation
- Revision
- Subtitling
Experienced in
- Legal Documents / Contracts / Law
- Information Technology (IT)
- Literary
- Health
- Telecommunications
- Education
Vatin Petaneelanon
Vatin Petaneelanon
Supported Organizations
- American Red Cross
- Aquaculture Stewardship Council
- Capacitar International
- CARE International
- Climate Cardinals
- Fair Trade USA
- Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI)
- International Forum for Volunteering in Development
- IRC Safeguarding Unit
- KoBoToolbox
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Operation Smile International
- Overseas Development Institute
- StoryWeaver, Pratham Books
- Terre des Hommes - World Congress on Justice with Children
- The Fund for Global Human Rights
- USAHello
- War Toys
Certificates and training courses
- TOEIC Score